Terms & Conditions

Move-Classes is a subscription based product intended for personal use only.

Move-Classes is delivered via the Everfit App only.

Medical Disclaimer

Move-Classes is not a medical product and should not be treated as such, any advice given regarding physical health, fitness & performance is not intended to surpass that of an appropriately qualified medical practitioner.

By subscribing to this product you take full responsibility for your own health & wellbeing.

Subscription Payments

Payment is made via the payment portal hosted by Everfit using Stripe.

Your Trial period of 14 days, starts the day you ‘Activate’ your subscription.

Your Pay period starts once your trial period has been completed, after this date you will be charged from *** the date that your trial period finished/ the date that you first activated the subscription.

You pay for access to content (Videos and PDFs) that we (move-ment) have curated, this content should not be shared with anyone else.

This content has been designed for mobile devices (Phone & Tablet), but can be shared to a Smart TV provided your Smart TV and Mobile device are able to connect to each other.

It is the customer’s responsibility to check prior to purchase that this is possible. If you are unsure please contact us for technical guidance.

Refunds will not be given if you are dissatisfied with the product after purchase.


You may unsubscribe at any point, upon doing so you will have until the end of your subscription period to access the content, you will not be refunded prorate for days remaining on your subscription.

To switch subscriptions, we suggest you purchase your new subscription first, then cancel your prior subscription via the process below.

To unsubscribe, you must login to your everfit ‘account’ via a web browser, using the following link:

Changing Subscription Card Payment Details

To do this you must login to your everfit ‘account’ via a web browser, using the following link: Click on the subscription to change your card details.